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Does getting a rim job actually feel good What was your

Urban Dictionary a rim job
What is a rim job? It is a sexual act which involves the stimulation of the butt opening with the mouth and tongue. Performing this act requires approval by all involved parties and ought to be carried out safely. A rim job can be pleasurable for certain individuals as it excites nerve endings and can enhance sexual pleasure. Remember, communication is key and agreement are vital when exploring any sexual activity.
What actually is a rim job? It's a sexual act involving the stimulation of the backdoor with the oral area and lingua. This act requires approval of all participants and ought to be practiced safely. A rim job could be pleasurable for some individuals as it arouses nerve endings and can enhance sexual pleasure. Bear in mind, communication is key and agreement are important when exploring any sexual activity.
What precisely is a rim job? It is a sexual act which involves the stimulation of the backdoor with the oral cavity and lingua. This act requires approval from all participants and should be carried out safely and securely. A rim job may be gratifying for some individuals as it excites nerve endings and can enhance sexual pleasure. Bear in mind, open communication and mutual consent are important when exploring any sexual activity.
What the heck is a rim job? It is a sexual act that involves the sensual caressing of the anus with the mouth and verbal organ. This act calls for permission by all people engaged and should be performed safely and securely. A rim job can be enjoyable for some individuals as it triggers nerve endings and can amplify sexual pleasure. Keep in mind, communication and mutual consent are crucial when exploring any sexual activity.
What precisely is a rim job? It's a sexual act which involves the pleasuring of the backdoor with the oral area and verbal organ. This act demands approval by all participants and must be practiced securely. A rim job can be delightful for certain individuals as it awakens nerve endings and can intensify sexual pleasure. Keep in mind, communication is key and agreement are crucial when embarking on any sexual activity.

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